Thursday, November 11, 2010

Castro Not Happy with New Call of Duty Game

Seems like ol' Fiddy C is not much of a gamer.

"What the United States government did not achieve in more than 50 years, it now tries to do virtually," said a story on government-run website
It said the game -- "Call of Duty: Black Ops" by California-based Activision Blizzard Inc -- glorified actual U.S. attempts to kill Castro and "stimulates sociopathic attitudes" among American youth.

The game, some of which is set during the Cold War, sends players fighting their way through Russia, Vietnam and Cuba. While battling in the streets of Havana, they fire away at enemy combatants while in pursuit of Castro.
In 2006 Fabian Escalante, the former head of Cuban intelligence services, revealed how plots ranged from an exploding cigar that was intended to blow up in Castro's face to a fungus-contaminated wetsuit that would infect him with a chronic skin disease.
Perhaps the most fanciful plot involved planting explosives inside a mollusc shell painted in bright colours in the hope that Castro might be drawn towards it while scuba diving in the Caribbean.
Here's a review of the new Call of Duty.