Thursday, December 6, 2012


The scariest phrase in the English language is, "We're from the government and we are here to help."

Two weeks after Hurricane Sandy, residents were allowed to return to gather their belongings. But when Maria arrived his home -- and everything in it -- was gone. All that was left was a plot of land.

"I never saw anything like this in my life," Maria said. "And when I took my wife here a week later, she was crying her eyes out in the street."

Maria said he immediately started making phone calls. "The township didn't know what happened. I called the governor's office and asked the assistant what happened. She said to me, 'Are you sure your house is gone? 'I said 'Miss, you misplace your pen or pencil. You don't misplace your house.'"

And in other government news, a certain leader learns the hard way that decision-making has consequences, which probably explains away all the "present" votes from his early political career.

The Obama administration “secretly” approved arms shipments to Libyan rebels from Qatar last year, however, U.S. officials quickly became concerned as evidence suggested Qatar was handing the weapons over to Islamic militants, The New York Times reports, citing a number of United States officials and foreign diplomats.

There is no evidence available that suggests the U.S.-approved weapons were involved in the deadly terrorist attack on the U.S. compound in Benghazi, which left four Americans dead on Sept. 11. But the revelation is sure to ignite speculation.

Fast and Furious Middle East Style?