Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Truth Will Find You

And it will set you free. . .in Leavenworth prison. . .for about 25 years.

Jerome Corsi has written a new book about Barack Obama and his birth certificate, which goes on sale in mid-May.  Drudge had a little lead info about it, but it seems the author and publisher are playing their cards very close before the release.

I'm not so sure I buy into the whole birther conspiracy other than to say it could be ended quickly if Obama would simply own up and release his long-form birth certificate.  It's a simple as that.  Or is it?  He and his attorneys have spent millions of dollars trying to surpress it and other personal information like college records and so on. 

Own up Barry. . .or are you such a sadistic prick that you like to watch the nutters on the right froth at the mouth over you?  I look at it this way:  If you have noting to hide, then why not end the controversy right now?  Otherwise. . .this country may be in for some very troubling times ahead.