Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Well Now...

I started this blog, and I haven't checked in on it in a month.  Fact is, as I write this post, I still haven't read it.  I did get a notice from Google that my ad sense account has been disabled for "invalid click activity".  I have no idea what that's about, but if you're repeatedly clicking ad banners as a means of helping out the blog, please refrain.  Visit the advertisers if you wish, but chill on any monkey like clicking.

I apologize for my absence.  Busy, family health issues, kids baseball, etc...  Rest assured, however, that during my time away from the blog, I have not sent any photos of my genitals to anyone that wasn't within my most trusted inner-circle.  No, I'm not above sending pictures of my stuff to others.  But, only upon invitation, and only in a very classy manner.

It's time to get back on the horse.