Friday, June 22, 2012

Gays Flip Finger at Ronald Reagan at White House Party

Let me see.  How can I put this without offending anyone?  What else would you expect from guys who put co*ks in their mouth and girls who strap them on?
Last Friday, an attaché of important gay people from Philadelphia made a trip to Washington D.C. as invited guests of President Barack Obama for the White House’s first-ever gay pride reception. There, they danced to the sounds of a Marine Corps band; they dined on crab cakes and canapés; they hand-delivered letters from concerned citizens like this 18-year old who has had four people close to him gunned down, and noted rhyming raconteur CA Conrad; and some of them took advantage of photo opportunities to give the late President Ronald Reagan the middle finger.

Paid for by taxpayer money of course.