Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Here We Go Again

And I thought the left was supposed to be the tolerant, ideologically centered group.  I mean, aren't they the ones that are constantly hectoring our side to be more compassionate, open and accepting of alternative lifestyles, views and every minority sub-section of our society?

Yet, when someone strays from the Newspeak. . .heaven forbid that anyone think outside the liberal box and especially so if it means going against the glass-jaw, Mini-Me-god titan Barack Obama.

Don't worry Stacey, there is a very large majority of this country that supports you and not just because you are voting for Romney.  We support you because you stand up for the right to freely decide for yourself.  Just as these people have decided for themselves that the only option is Obama (and that's fine although sad), you have to right to decide the same or different for yourself.

Anyway and beyond all that. . . nom nom nom.