Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Is Everyone From Minnesota Retarded?

Can you imagine the level of severe mental illness the people in that state must be suffering from to have elected this dick their governor? Wow.

Will someone please tell this 'tard that enemy combatants picked up from the battlefield and held off U.S. soil do not enjoy the same rights as American citizens arrested here at home and thus can not be waterboarded? Jesus.

Then at the end he goes into the WTC on 911 and how could it fall at the rate of gravity.... Moron.


Anonymous said...

This post makes no sense, and the video link is dead

Anonymous said...

The answer is: Yes. Everyone from Minnesota is retarded.


"This post makes no sense, and the video link is dead"

So what part of Minnesota are you from?

Ali Blah Blah said...

"This post makes no sense, and the video link is dead"

Thanks for stopping by, Jesse. Now go pump up some Troofers.

Anonymous said...

Nothing worse than an old man with a mullet. Business in the front, party in the back.