Friday, June 8, 2012

Bloomberg: "68 hot dogs good...32 oz soda bad"

We are the web's best source for news about hot dogs, pole dancers and Islamic rat people...
In an appearance on NBC’s “Today” show last week, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg preached “moderation” as he was explained why National Doughnut Day received the City of New York’s stamp of approval and 32-ounce sodas were marked for an outright ban. 
But as long as things in moderation are OK, what does that say about Bloomberg’s role in the 96-year-old tradition known as the Nathan’s Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest held at Coney Island in New York City every Fourth of July, which is hardly a showcase of moderation? 
In 2011 Bloomberg praised the contest with flowery language... 
“It is a moment for all New Yorkers and all Americans to celebrate the inalienable rights bestowed on us by our forefathers: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” Bloomberg said. “For the contestants assembled here, that pursuit includes consuming as many hot dogs as is humanly possible. And each year, you should know, they push the limits of what is humanly possible. Now, children may find this hard to believe, but there was a time in the late 20th century when no man could consume more than 20 hot dogs in 10 minutes. Today, some men can consume two or three times that quantity of dogs, and so can some women.” 
There are an estimated 364 calories in one Big Gulp filled with Coca-Cola, whereas one Nathan’s hot dog has 309 calories, 181 of which are from fat. The 2011 winner of the contest ate 62 hot dogs that amounted to 19,158 calories in a single sitting.
Read the rest at the Daily Caller

What's next for Herr Bloomberg?