Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Parents pulling their kids out of "progressive school"

It's good that they're pulling the kids out of the school, but what lame brain ever puts their kid in a school like this in the first place? A liberal lame brain. That's who.
The Blue School is one big play date in desperate need of adult supervision. 
Parents are yanking their kids out of the “progressive,” $32,000 per-year private school founded by the Blue Man Group — which has no books and no tests — because their kids are barely learning to read, The Post has learned.

Other moms have taken to a popular message board to vent.
“It’s all fun and games until you realize your second-grader can’t read,” a parent wrote on

School officials say students decide their own curriculum, and have no set arrival time. Grades run from kindergarten to third grade. A fourth grade is being added next year.
$32,000 per year for your child to play with human crayons? These parents need their parental rights terminated.

UPDATE:  After seeing this post, the Dalai Lama sent me a tweet.