Thursday, June 14, 2012


More potential drama from Pooty Poot.

Via The American Interest:
The New York Times reports that Russian fighters stationed in Armenia have stepped up the number of training flights this year by about 20 percent, “sending a clear warning that Russia could intervene at any moment should violence escalate further in the territorial dispute between Armenia and Azerbaijan.” At least eight soldiers were killed in border clashes last week.

The bad blood between the Azerbaijanis and the Armenians is at least a century old and has intensified since the end of the Cold War, when the disputed territory of Nagorno-Karabakh, an Armenian-majority enclave in Azerbaijan, declared independence. Russia, which is close to Armenia, is also looking over its shoulder at the Turks, whose ambitions in the Caucasus and elsewhere threatens to freeze Russia out.
Not only do we have military and economic interests in Azerbaijan, the Israelis had potentially inked a deal to allow Israeli  planes to use Azerbaijani air bases also, which of course might upset ol' Pooty Poot and his Iranian amigos.  I, however, think the more interesting component of this Russian/Armenian alliance is going to be the reaction of Turkey. 

Turkey ain't no turkey and won't accept any monkey shines from the Russians, much less the Armenians.

And on another note guess what Russian turkey was in Turkey recently?