Thursday, June 14, 2012


I am not old, but I am old enough to remember when the office of the president was considered to be the most powerful and most revered job in the world.  Whenever our president spoke he radiated an aura of confidence, etiquette, decorum, and resoluteness.

Our current president does none of that.  He appears weak, bumbling, confused, disassociated and has constantly sullied the respectability and prestige of the office he holds.  There is no reason why the president of the United States should be fist bumping anyone, slow jamming on television (whatever the fuck that is) or distributing campaign propaganda with bastardized English, or telling his supporters to "have his back" like some south side Chicago ghetto thug.  Let me tell you something I know about thugs, when the shit hits the fan no one will have your back.  Remember, in the ghetto world no one likes a snitch.

It seems, and unfortunately so, that our society is quickly devolving into broken, uneducated, lazy groupings of unproductive tribes. Godless, and fearless of laws, they maliciously ignore or wantonly trample social norms and the base Christian beliefs that wove the early fabric of this nation.  They are killing the exact things that turned this nation into the most prosperous collective ever known and all the while whipping up the dumbed-down masses with hypocritical rhetoric.

It is time for this country to take back what is righteous and good about America and to install leaders in Washington who are tough enough to make the hard decisions necessary to right the ship, repair the sails, and tack into the coming storms.  It is imperative that we elect leaders who are calm, intelligent, well-spoken, and are willing to speak of the value systems that made this country a once great place to live, work and raise a family.

Make the right choice in November, otherwise prepare yourself for more people like this making the laws of our land and deciding how to spend your hard-earned money:

Put me in corch!