Thursday, June 14, 2012

Why Ali Blah Blah Loathes Technology

JULY 7, 1978 - Having won a mail-in contest, Ali Blah Blah was so excited to meet the Mr. Pibb robot, and to spend the whole day with him.  He couldn't sleep for days.  And when the day finally came, it was magical...for a while.  After the initial meet and greet, photos and autographs, Mr. Pibbot invited Ali back to the laboratory to play a new and revolutionary video game called "Pong".  Ali gladly accepted the invitation.  What happened at the laboratory...well...Ali really doesn't like talking about.  Suffice to say, the world could have used online predator lists in 1978.

P.S. - Ali got skunked that day.

And when Atari came out a few years later, Ali didn't follow the trend like all the other boys.  He chose to concentrate on more traditional interests. Years later, at the age of 27, he would win his third consecutive paper football championship.