Tuesday, April 21, 2009

15 Minutes of Federal Spending: That's What Obama's "Savings" Amounts to

Thank you Dear Leader. Thank you for your generosity. Your "saving" amounts to a smoke break for your central economic planner. My children's future is restored. From WND:

President Obama's big announcement that he's instructed cabinet members to come up with plans to save $100 million from the federal budget is just about meaningless, according to a spokesman for National Taxpayers Union.

The cuts are "a sign," said Peter Sepp, "but you'd need a pair of extra-thick glasses to actually see that sign and more importantly try to figure out what's going to happen next."

Sepp said, put in perspective, Obama's plans have virtually no meaning.

"The federal government spends a total of $100 million approximately every 15 minutes of the year," he said. "What Mr. Obama is doing is basically telling his departments 'come up with enough spending cuts to give the taxpayers an extra 15 minutes.'

He called it a "publicity stunt" on Obama's part.