Friday, April 24, 2009

Magazine Doctors Picture Of Obama: Makes Him Even Sexier...If That's Possible

I can't say too much. There but for the grace of God go I. The missing mullet from my prom pic was no accident. Thanks Olan Mills.

A magazine is taking heat for making undisclosed alterations of a photograph of President Obama in a bathing suit.

Washingtonian Magazine changed the color of the president's shorts and made a few other touch-ups, but media critic Howard Kurtz calls the small adjustments "unethical."

"While the alternations of this picture might seem to some people to be kind of minor, it is absolutely unethical," he said. "It is dishonest. It is not journalism. You cannot present a news photo, particularly of a president, but of anybody, and alter it through digital technology without being honest about it with readers."

The White House is officially not commenting on the altered photo.
Here's a video report.