Wednesday, June 10, 2009

How Does a Failed Ivy League Spastic Professor Swing a Golf Club?: Obama Shows You How

Folks. This is just bad. Is he jumping while he swings?


Ali Blah Blah said...

Dude had dicks on his mind.

Burnt Toast said...

I knew I didn't really want to watch this, but I did.

I thought this guy was God, Jesus and Superman all rolled into one?

My nephew, when he was 8 years old, had a better 7-iron than that.

This guy is a vapor in body, mind and heart. Empty.

Anonymous said...

Keep you head down clown. Drive thru the ball, they'll be plenty of time to marvel in your excellence AFTER YOU HIT THE BALL!

Ali Blah Blah said...

"Keep you head down clown. Drive thru the ball"

Yeah I bet he does a lot of that.