Thursday, July 2, 2009


First off, thanks for the invite Bigfeed. Those of you that haven't read me yet will see that I post for the ADD reader. Quick reads in an Unfair & Slanted way. With that enjoy.

Please make sure to avoid using the phrase "Independence Day" over the holiday weekend. In case you haven't noticed much of our Independence is gone. The 4th of July will do just fine until the Emperor Jesus H. Obama finds a Holiday Czar that will rename it in Obamas honor.

1. The propaganda machine at the Obama Palace might of topped itself this time.

2. I guess the folks at the palace crapped their pants when the Gov of Texas thought about bouncing from the Union. Better to disarm Texans than follow the constitution.

3. "shared responsibility payments,". Doesn't that have a nice communist ring to it.

4. The silencing of antiobama voices has begun.

5. This poll basically says that Americans believe that Obama is a lying douche bag socialist that can't fix the economy....



Obama told an audience that the stimulus money was spent and that it worked. WTF?

Dr. Dave said...

Jesus,'re more of an SOB than even me!

SOB said...

lol, really I tried to hold back on that one? Nice pics by the way. Waxman reminds me of a pedo ice cream man.

Thurston, it did work..for him.

Most Rev. Gregori said...

This is a most interesting blog site, I'll stop by often.

Anonymous said...

Maybe they should re name it

End Dependence Day