Friday, June 15, 2012

Obama Requires IDs at Campaign Rally...But Not at Voting Booth

The flaming hypocrisy is obvious.  This is a very messed up country right now.   Way too many stupid people in positions of authority.
President Barack Obama's presidential campaign checked the identification of the supporters attending Obama's "framing" event at Cuyahoga Community College today. 
The 1,500 supporters in attendance picked up tickets at campaign offices in Northeast Ohio beginning on Monday, though tickets to the event made no mention of an ID requirement.
Jessica Kershaw, the Obama campaign's Ohio Press Secretary, confirmed in a statement to BuzzFeed that the campaign checked every supporter's identification at the door. 
"We checked every ID at the door to make sure it matched with the name on the ticket that supporters filled out," she said. "We did this for every person who came in." 
Republicans point out that while they check IDs for their supporters, the Obama administration opposes efforts to require identification at polling places on election day — so called voter ID laws — arguing they are discriminatory.
The Obama base.  Pardon my French,  but just look at these fucking retards!