Friday, June 15, 2012

Stop It!

I know that presidents of past have done the same thing, but considering the dire financial straits of our country, it is time for this scam of the system to stop.  Congress should pass a law specifically for this purpose.  Hell, they love passing laws to manage our day to day lives, it's about time they pass a few to manage one of their own for a change.
President Barack Obama brought Manhattan to a standstill last night as he held two star-studded fundraising events at exclusive addresses in the city - raising a total of $4.5 million.

However, the President's re-election campaign will not have to pay the full cost of his jaunt to the Big Apple, because he combined the trip with an official event which will be charged to the taxpayer.

Before the fundraisers, one at actress Sarah Jessica Parker's house and one at the five-star Plaza Hotel, Mr Obama scheduled a visit to the World Trade Center site.

And here is a palate cleanser if you clicked through to the Obama article and saw all the dried fruit that attended his fundraiser.