Monday, July 16, 2012

British Used Exploding Rats to Fight the Nazis

 Stuff you can't learn in college...
British secret agents went to war behind enemy lines armed with exploding soap, clogs, bottles of chianti, bicycle pumps, suitcases - and rats, documents hidden in Whitehall vaults for more than 50 years reveal. 
They were among an ingenious collection of devices - many of which would have delighted James Bond - provided for agents of the special operations executive (SOE), the covert group set up to help resistance movements carry out sabotage and subversion, or as Churchill put it, "set Europe ablaze".
But the most exotic device was the "explosive rat". A hundred of the rodents were procured by an SOE officer posing as a student needing them for laboratory experiments. The rats were skinned, filled with plastic explosive, and sewn up. The idea was to place a rat among coal beside a boiler. When they were spotted, they would immediately be thrown on to the fire, causing a huge explosion.
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