Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Bats of Austin, Texas: The Cousin Kenny Chronicles (Vol. 1)

In Austin, Texas there is a bridge where over a million Mexican free-tail bats will congregate in the summer...and every summer evening, at dusk, tons of people will assemble to watch the bats fly from underneath the bridge in search of food...One summer I visited my brother who lived near Austin...and one night we got all liquored up and drove down to the bridge to see the bats...We thought it would be a good idea to go down there with tennis rackets, butterfly nets, and wearing football helmets...not to do any actual harm to the bats, but just to see the people's our surprise, no one said anything about it being a bad idea or displayed any sign of disgust...We did, however, have three different people tell us that the best way to go about our business was with a lawn chair and a shotgun...God bless Texas

Cousin Kenny