I would like to wish you all a very happy new year. Life is very short. Love those who matter to you. Every chance you get.
And now I give you this. It's all I got.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Happy New Year!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
More Global War...er..Climate Change lies
From a December 14, 2009 report from U.S. Vice President Al Gore and Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Støre:
When snow and sea ice melt, less sunlight is reflected away from the surface of the Earth, and when permafrost melts, more of the greenhouse gases methane and carbon dioxide are released. Both these changes further increase global warming and thus cause ice to melt even faster, the report confirms.
The melting of glaciers can cause extensive water shortages. Today, more than a billion people depend on water from the Himalayan plateau.
Now that the planet has experienced snow storm after snow storm:
From Tues 12/28 Time Online Health and Science section. Article entitled Holiday Blizzard: More Signs of Global Warming:
Judah Cohen, the director of seasonal forecasting at the environmental research firm AER, has written that increasing seasonal snow cover in Siberia may drive extreme winter weather. Even as the planet has continued to warm and the Arctic has melted, seasonal snow cover has increased in Siberia, especially north of high Asian mountain ranges like the Himalayas. (As the climate warms overall, the atmosphere can hold more moisture, which can lead to more precipitation —
Oh I see! Climate Change means less water! Oh, except when it doesn't! Crystal clear folks!
Let me know what the next prediction coming out of your Commodore 64 is smart guys.
"I am ashamed to be associated with these scientists. Now if you'll excuse me, my Fresca is getting warm..."
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
And Now, a Friendly Message from the Leader of the New Black Panthers
New Black Panther Leader Reveals Collusion at NYC Meeting With Ahmadinejad to Build Alliance, Secure Raw Materials and Overthrow America
Monday, December 27, 2010
Russians Turning Republican Because Democrats Have Become Too Socialist
It's the pot calling the pot black. Or something like that.
Many Russian immigrants to the "red borough" of Staten Island are flocking to the Republican Party, saying that the national Democrats' "socialistic" policies remind them too much of the top-down oligarchy they fled in their native land.
"It's too socialistic," said Fridman, head of the non-profit Staten Island Community Center and president of Citizens Magazine, a public affairs publication. "It's very painful for us to see."
The Big Brother approach reminds Fridman too much of what he left behind in the former Soviet Union.
"It's the same rule like it was there," said Fridman, who estimates there are around 55,000 Russian immigrants here.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Apollo 8 Christmas Message
The first manned space flight to orbit the moon launched from Earth Dec. 21, 1968. The crew sent this telecast from lunar orbit on Christmas Eve, reading the first 10 verses of the book of Genesis. The television broadcast is one of the most watched broadcasts of all time. My how times have changed.
The Battle Cry for 2011: "Wake Your Man Up in the White House"
This is it. So curt, yet so right. And born of the awful reality. From Fox News
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, leaving the funeral of a murdered Border Patrol agent Wednesday, scolded a reporter for asking her to address the victim's family's concerns that not enough is being done to secure the southern border.The family of agent Brian Terry had complained that Napolitano had offered them "empty words" when she called to express her condolences. Terry's father, Kent Terry, in an interview with ABC affiliate KGUN, said he told Napolitano to "wake your man up in the White House," to which she replied that he's done more in two years than any president.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
China Set to Bail Out EU
Remember just a few months ago all the euro trash punks commenting in glee about America's economic troubles?
China has said it is willing to bail out debt-ridden countries in the euro zone using its $2.7trillion overseas investment fund.
In a fresh humiliation for Europe, Foreign Ministry spokesman Jiang Yu said it was one of the most important areas for China's foreign exchange investments. The country has already approached struggling European countries with financial aid, including offering to buy Greece's debt in October and promising to buy $4billion of Portuguese government debt.
'To have any discernible effect China will have to buy a lot more than 5billion euros if they expect to have any impact on the negative sentiment surrounding Europe,' said Michael Hewson, currency analyst at CMC Markets.Meanwhile...In America...
I feel I need to state to what is obvious to me. Western civilization needs a fresh round of colonialism. Actual or economic. Capitalism functions best when markets are expanding...Either via new markets represented by land, or new markets via technology. In short. We need to start making stuff again...or start conquering again.
Forest Gump Would Be a General in Today's Army
23% of those produced in our liberal education system can't pass the military entrance exam. When I took it, they offered me any job I wanted. I chose Cavalry Scout, so I could kill Nazis. Lucky there wasn't a history portion on the exam.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
I Love Ham
This Muslim child is traumatized his teacher told a story that involved ham. It's wonder these freaks haven't burned every copy of Green Eggs and Ham.
What the Hell is Going on with the Jets?
This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.
Jews Used Witchcraft on Gitmo Detainees
There is nothing the Jews can't do. Nothing! See the video here
Massachusetts Town Requires Permission Slip to Say Pledge of Allegiance
Did Nancy Pelosi get permission to sing God Bless America? Because I'm pretty sure God wouldn't have given it to her.
And then there's this. Once the birthplace of freedom. Massachusetts is now it's grave.
On Monday, Devotion School sent home a letter that outlined the reported resumption of saying the Pledge of Allegiance once a week – and the letter included a permission slip that was supposed to be signed and returned to the school.Here's the letter sent by first generation Cuban American, Gerardo Martinez. Why point that out? Because Gerardo made a point to include that in the letter. I'm unclear as to why.
More from here:
A Brookline public school is bringing back the Pledge of Allegiance next month — and the principal is asking parents to fill out permission slips before their children participate.
“It’s uncomfortable. The pledge is a promise, and I’ve always taught my kids to think very carefully before making any promise. It’s not a decision I want to make for them,” said Judi Puritz Cook, who has two sons at the Devotion School.Nice. Yet I'm given no opportunity to opt out from subsidizing you and your state with my tax dollars, or opting out of defending your sorry ass militarily. You suck Judi. You suck! Henceforth, I shall teach my kids to fart in the general direction of kids like yours.
Now THIS Pisses Me Off
Nancy Pelosi finally found a reason to be patriotic.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday led jubilant legislators and soldiers discharged under the "don't ask, don't tell" policy in singing "God Bless America" to celebrate the upcoming repeal of the controversial law.Look at this collection of imbeciles.
Islamic Rage Boy Wishes You a Merry Christmas
And asks that you eat turkey instead of ham this year.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
It's How You Run the Race
At first I thought this was the special olympics. Then I realized it's just some really goofy Taiwanese athletes.
Barney Frank: "Children Deserve No Inheritance...It's ALL the Government's Money"
How can these people see things so differently from us? And how can they make up such a large part of our government? Things have to come to a head don't they?
See the video here
Afghan Pedophila Causes Concern with Military
And the homosexuality too. Meanwhile, America is repealing don't ask don't tell. It seems to me that the logical solution would be to put those proponents of the repeal in the Afghan army. Problem solved.
A document released by WikiLeaks described efforts by high-ranking Afghan officials to quash reports of police officers and other Afghans arrested for "purchasing a service from a child."
The leaked diplomatic cable quoted former Minister of the Interior Hanif Atmar's concern that publicity about the arrests, which involved the hiring of "dancing boys," would "endanger lives."
The vast gulf between U.S. and Afghan attitudes about homosexuality and pedophilia has generated concern among U.S. advisers in Afghanistan since the American presence there began to expand.
In late 2009, U.S. and British forces ordered a study of Pashtun male sexuality. They were worried that homosexuality and pedophilia among Afghan security forces and tribes could create cultural misunderstanding with allied troops, according to a copy of the report obtained by The Washington Examiner.
The study, requested by 2nd Marine Expeditionary Battalion along with British forces in Lashkar Gah, was conducted by members of one of the Defense Department's Human Terrain Teams stationed in Afghanistan. The report was authored by team member Anna Maria Cardinalli, who said the goal was to learn how to advise "U.S. and British service members who report encounters with men displaying apparently homosexual tendencies. These service members are frequently confused [by] this behavior."
The report described unease by U.S. Marines and British soldiers who felt they were being propositioned, or who were outraged by apparent acts of pedophilia by Afghan soldiers and police. It documented one case in which 12 of 20 Pashtun interpreters working with one U.S. Army unit had contracted gonorrhea from homosexual encounters.
"I know Marines and soldiers who have refused to work with Afghan military or police," said one U.S. military official, who spoke on condition of anonymity. "It's not about homosexuality as much as it is about the young boys. Some of them like to show pictures on their cell phone -- that should be illegal. Some of the Afghans have their own young boys they use for sexual purposes and we can't do anything about it."
"Homosexuality is strictly prohibited in Islam, but cultural interpretations of Islamic teaching prevalent in Pashtun areas of southern Afghanistan tacitly condone it in comparison to heterosexual relationships," the study states.
For a male to have sex with a boy is considered a "foible," the report said. By contrast, having sex with an "ineligible woman" would set up "issues of revenge and honor killings."Frontline produced an excellent video of the Afghans and their sick sexual practices. View it here
You're appalled by this behavior. The left, however, celebrates it as "cultural diversity". Or at best, they just look the other way.
China's Ghost Cities
Just why are they building these homes? 64 million empty? Isn't that the population of Mars?
These amazing satellite images show sprawling cities built in remote parts of China that have been left completely abandoned, sometimes years after their construction. Elaborate public buildings and open spaces are completely unused, with the exception of a few government vehicles near communist authority offices.
Some estimates put the number of empty homes at as many as 64 million, with up to 20 new cities being built every year in the country's vast swathes of free land. The photographs have emerged as a Chinese government think tank warns that the country's real estate bubble is getting worse, with property prices in major cities overvalued by as much as 70 per cent.
Michelle Obama Official White House Portrait Doll
You Might Want to Skip the Buffet this Week
One of these days people will recognize Islam for what it is. A death cult. And its existence won't be tolerated on this land.
Al Qaeda terrorists planned to poison food at multiple US hotels and restaurants over a single weekend, it has been revealed this morning.Relax. According to Janey Napolitano, the DHS is working on this stuff 364 days a year. Not sure what's happening on that other day of the year, or why they're taking that day off.
The 'credible' plot involved slipping the poisons cyanide and ricin into salad bars and buffets, according to CBS news.
The terrorist group behind the failed 'ink cartridge' attacks on cargo planes in October were said to have hatched the plan.
Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula branded the plot 'Operation Haemorrhage'.
Militants say the plot consists of 'attacking the enemy with smaller but more frequent operations' to 'add a heavy economic burden to an already faltering economy'.
Monday, December 20, 2010
American Muslims Worried About Porn Addiction
This does not surprise me in the least. If you saw the search terms that bring Muslims to this site, you'd know why. Some seriously repressed freaky deaks they are.
American Muslims are extremely concerned over the high rate of pornography addiction among their community in the United States, the latest issue of Muslim Link has bared.Of course. They'd prefer to take the women back to Muslim countries where pre-arranged marriages, incest, and battered women don't raise eyebrows.
Muslim preachers have taken to the social media like Youtube to decry pornography is a $57 billion industry worldwide. Those who find Islamic teachings on social vices such as women's masturbation are also usingYoutube.
Many Americans who give birth to female offspring leave the U.S.A. to go back to their country of origin as they do not want their daughters to grow up in the U.S. where changing sexual partners is as easy as changing socks, according to Muslim parents.
They're Coming...The Eco-Soldiers
Overstated, yet not overstated. I see this is as evidence the government is finally running out of ridiculous ways to spend our money and is now turning to freaking ridiculous ways to spend our money.
At an all-day White House conference on "environmental justice," Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano announced that her department is creating a new task force to battle the effects of climate change on domestic security operations.
12 Objects Removed from Pepe
Pablo Escobar, drug kingpin, had a pet hippo. It escaped and was shot dead in 2009. The following document reveals that Columbia has a ways to go with its development of hippo pet food (click to enlarge).
How Many Terrorists Does it Take to Cross the Street?
Never go first Akmed.
Sarkozy to Crack Down on Muslim Prayer in the Streets
Totally off the subject, but do they have 7-11s in France?
Nicolas Sarkozy will take another lurch to the Right with a speech on New Year's Eve calling Muslim prayers in the street "unacceptable".Read the rest here
After his expulsions of gypsies and a crackdown on immigrant crime, the French President will warn that the overflow of Muslim faithful on to the streets at prayer time when mosques are packed to capacity risks undermining the French secular tradition separating state and religion.
Friday, December 17, 2010
New Comment Box
I decided to give an extended trial run with a new comment box. Good news is it looks and works better. Bad news is, all previous comments are gone, unless I quash this system. We'll see how it goes.
Ben Franklin's 200 Ways to Say "Drunk"
I find this to be odd. As the truth often is. In 1763, in the Pennsylvania Gazzete, Ben Franklin (yes that Ben Franklin), published a collection of synonyms that people of the time used to refer to someone who was drunk. Here are some of my favorites:
He’s casting up his Accounts,There are over 150 more. With that many terms, all I can say is, they must have had better booze back then.
He’s Biggy,
Been at Barbadoes,
Piss’d in the Brook,
Has drank more than he has bled,
He sees the Bears,
He’s kiss’d black Betty,
He’s had a Thump over the Head with Sampson’s Jawbone,
Wamble Crop’d,
Got Corns in his Head,
He’s been too free with the Creature,
Sir Richard has taken off his Considering Cap,
He’s Eat a Toad & half for Breakfast.
Been at an Indian Feast.
As Dizzy as a Goose,
Been before George,
Has Taken Hippocrates grand Elixir,
Going to Jerusalem,
Been to Jerico,
He sees two Moons,
He’s eat the Cocoa Nut,
Smelt of an Onion,
Been among the Philistines,
He’s contending with Pharaoh,
He makes Virginia Fence,
Got the Indian Vapours,
Al Sharpton and His "Punk Faggot" Problem
Sharpton has asked the FCC to ban Rush Limbaugh from public airwaves. He believes Limbaugh engages in hate speech. Only problem is...
America # 5
Winston-Salem, North Carolina - 1939 - A belt salesman during the tobacco market at Planter’s Warehouse.
This the Reynolds' Building, built in 1929, also in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. It served as the protoype for the Empire State building in New York.
Leaking on the Leaker (Part 2)
Ha. Emails from Julian Assage to some teenage girl. She was 19, he was 33. About the speed you'd expect from a spindly little douche like this. From Gawker:
Julian Assange, the founder of the world's most notorious secret-sharing operation, has some embarrassing documents in his own past. We've obtained a series of emails detailing his stalkery courtship of a teenager in his pre-Wikileaks days.Here's the final email he sent after his slew of previous creepy emails failed to win the girl's affection.
Someone Tell Me if This is Any Good
I've basically given up on Crowder. Ever since he went to Pajamas Media, the Walmart of conservative thought. I've relegated him to small screen status until further notice.
We Just Put Up Our Christmas Decorations...The Red Cross Just Took Theirs Down
Another battle lost. In Jolly ol' England...
Christmas has been banned by the Red Cross from its 430 fund-raising shops. Staff have been ordered to take down decorations and to remove any other signs of the Christian festival because they could offend Moslems.
The charity's politically-correct move triggered an avalanche of criticism and mockery last night - from Christians and Moslems.What a bunch of weasels!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
An Early Christmas Gift for Ali and Mr. DoThat
They'll love it. How do I know? I just do.
California Hammers its Own Death Nail
I truly feel sorry for the handful of rational people left in that state. A word of advice to those people. Move to Utah.
California regulators Thursday are expected to adopt the nation's most comprehensive carbon trading regime, creating a market-based way to lower greenhouse gas emissions at a time when similar efforts have stalled in Congress.Cap and Trade comes to California. It's legislators need to be tried for treason.
The program is the centerpiece of the state's 2006 global warming law,which aims to slash carbon dioxide and other planet-heating pollution to 1990 levels by 2020. That would amount to a 15% cut from today's level.
The cap-and-trade system "will help drive innovation, create more green jobs and clean up our air and environment," said California Air Resources Board Chairwoman Mary D. Nichols, adding that it "provides flexibility" to industry and takes "into consideration the current economic climate."
From the "What the Hell is the Pope Thinking" Files
This just looks bad. Real bad. Male strip tease acrobats perform for the Pope, and his other male friends.
Obama Gets an Indian Name
I have a more accurate name. "One who steals 55% of your inheritance".
President Obama has a Crow Nation Indian name: One Who Helps People Throughout the Land.
President Obama, speaking today to the White House Tribal Nations Conference.
While the president told today's White House Tribal Nations Conference that he is honored by the tribute, he joked that wife Michelle Obama suggested an alternate name: "One Who Isn't Picking Up His Shoes and His Socks."Weasel Zippers had a good one too. "Dances with Stalin"
Woman Rips Off Daugther-In-Law's Nipple
See if you can make it through the whole story. Ouch!
A 44-year-old woman who allegedly ripped her daughter-in-law's nipple off during a drunken argument could be facing criminal charges, the 3rd Judicial District Attorney's Office confirmed Wednesday.
Las Cruces police officers responded to Memorial Medical Center on Sunday morning, when doctors were already in the process of reattaching the nipple to the 30-year-old victim's breast.
It's believed to be the first time a local victim has suffered a body part being torn from them, said Chief Deputy District Attorney Amy Orlando. The victim told officers she, her husband, his mother and one of her husband's friends had spent Saturday night drinking at an apartment in the 1000 block of Idaho Avenue, according to the police report. Sometime after 3 a.m., the victim's husband had started arguing with his mother, and because it was becoming "very intense," the victim went to stand in between the two to separate them.
When the victim began arguing with her 44-year-old mother-in-law, the older woman allegedly "grabbed (the victim's) right breast and began to squeeze and pull on her nipple." The victim yelled to stop, but her mother-in-law allegedly continued to pull until the younger woman began punching her in the face, according to the police report.
The victim then told police she threw her mother-in-law into the yard, but the older woman allegedly kicked in the back door and had to be physically removed again. It was when the victim was putting her mother-in-law's belongings in the yard that she felt fluid on her breast and realized there was blood on her shirt.
When she untucked her tank top, her nipple fell on the floor, she told police. The victim put the nipple in a bag and, after several hours, decided she should go to the emergency room.
Was Stuxnet the Work of China?
It's a theory being discussed at Hot Air. Some of the comments are insightful.
Once You Give It, It's Very Hard to Take it Back
Rioters in Greece are angry over union wage cuts. This kind of rioting will happen here. Or we will perish. And I don't think I'm overstating things.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Good Job vs. Bad Job
Anonymous said...
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"Domestic Terrorist"?
Flashback - April, 2009
The Department of Homeland Security is warning law enforcement officials about a rise in "rightwing extremist activity," saying the economic recession, the election of America's first black president and the return of a few disgruntled war veterans could swell the ranks of white-power militias.
A footnote attached to the report by the Homeland Security Office of Intelligence and Analysis defines "rightwing extremism in the United States" as including not just racist or hate groups, but also groups that reject federal authority in favor of state or local authority.
"It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single-issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration," the warning says.But this week, we got this:
Clay Duke, the man who opened fire on a Florida school board Tuesday, posted a “last testament” on Facebook decrying the wealthy and linking to a slew of progressive sites including theprogressivemind.info and MediaMatters.org.
The chilling Facebook statement, posted under the “About Clay” section, talks about being born poor and how the rich “take turns fleecing us”:
My Testament: Some people (the government sponsored media) will say I was evil, a monster (V)… no… I was just born poor in a country where the Wealthy manipulate, use, abuse, and economically enslave 95% of the population. Rich Republicans, Rich Democrats… same-same… rich… they take turns fleecing us… our few dollars… pyramiding the wealth for themselves. The 95%… the us, in US of A, are the neo slaves of the Global South. Our Masters, the Wealthy, do, as they like to us…In addition to the note, Duke also includes a reference to class warfare:
“There’s class warfare, all right, but its my class, the rich class that’s making war and we’re winning” - Warren BuffetAnd then issues a call to rise up, which seems to be from a poem titled “The Mask of Anarchy”:
DHS...Please have a report on my desk in the morning. TIARise like lions after slumber
In unvanquishable number.
Shake your chains to earth like dew.
Which in sleep has fallen on you.
Ye are many – they are few.
Putin's lover in Russian Vogue
So Putin's lil' love bird, Olympic gymnast Alina Kabayeva, is on the cover of Russian Vogue. Two things come to my mind when I see this:
1) The old joke about putting a beer on your lady's head does not work here. Seems like it would just get in the way of the magic.
2) A whole lot of of Russian Vogue editors are going to be room temperature soon.
Go Pooty Poot! I wish he was our president..... Sigh....
How to Blow a Turkey...Call
I think the whole state of West Virginia just locked themselves in the bathroom.
Don't We All Need a Pet Bison?
And not one of those lame, play fetch type bisons you get at the pet store. But a beer drinking bison that likes to ride shotgun when I'm looking for the ladies.
As if you needed more proof Obama is an idiot...
here's yet another example.
Looks like all those years of performing for Democratic candidates has paid off: President Obama is tapping rocker Jon Bon Jovi to serve on a new presidential advisory council.You're surprised? That our metrosexual president likes the same band your wife does?
The White House announced Tuesday that Bon Jovi (or is it just Jovi?) will join the new 25-member White House Council for Community Solutions, a panel established to provide advice on "the best ways to mobilize citizens, nonprofits, businesses and government to work more effectively together to solve specific community needs."
Damn. It's going to take the new president a lot of work to rid the White House of all that glam band stank.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
UCLA Professor Wants DREAM Act Passed So Illegal Aliens Can Replace "Old White Men in Congress"
STFU and fold my shirt Ping Pong. You see Mr. Wong, that's a bull and horns kinda thing. You really wanna go ghetto Jackie Chan?
Cause we can go ghetto here. Tell him what's wrong with his thinking Soup Bone.
How Damn Dumb is Our President?
"This tax package does a couple of things immediately for economic growth in Florida. Number one, for those folks looking for work right now, it extends their unemployment benefits. Two million people across the country would lose their unemployment benefits at the end of this month if we did not move forward on this tax agreement. And economists say that not only is that good for those families, it's good for the entire economy. It's probably the biggest boost that we can give an economy because those folks are most likely to spend the money with businesses, and that gives them customers," President Obama told Tampa Bay's Channel 8.Holy hell! I mean holy hell! How can this man, or any man, be so obtuse? I used to think there were malevolent motives behind Obama's decisions. I no longer think that. Having seen him as president all this time, I now realize he's just a massive retard. And that retardation subjects him to manipulation by people that do have evil intentions.
Obama Ramen
With the economy the way it is, this is all many can afford to eat. By the way, this appears to be a legitimate product.
h/t Innominatus
Leaking on the Leaker
Let's see how you like it you pasty white turd. My, this guy certainly is full of himself. This is classic liberal dementia.
Jailed WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange's old online-dating profile was disclosed yesterday, portraying the anti-secrecy crusader as a narcissistic cad.
"Passionate, and often pigheaded activist intellectual seeks siren for love affair, children and occasional criminal conspiracy," Assange, calling himself Harry Harrison, wrote in his 2006 OKCupid.com profile.
"I like women from countries that have sustained political turmoil. Western culture seems to forge women that are valueless and inane," the profile continued, accompanied by images of the accused rapist showing off his flowing golden locks.
The lonely leaker said that he seeks an "erotic non-conformist," and bragged that he was "directing a consuming, dangerous human rights project."
His ideal mate was described as "spirited and playful, of high intelligence, though not necessarily formally educated, have spunk, class & inner strength and be able to think strategically about the world and the people she cares about."
He also boasted of his 6-foot-2-inch frame, saying women will notice his: "Height. Nordic appearance . . . Often carrying mystery brown paper packages tied up with strings."And here is a link that shows his couchsurfing.com profile, leaked today.
And here is a 1963 Topps card of Wally Moon. Leaked 47 summers ago.
"There's Something Suspicious Hanging Between Your Legs"
Someone get these guys an anatomy book. Or a boyfriend.
Tim Ely, a retired Army officer who once commanded a military police unit in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, filed an online complaint after a Nov. 20 confrontation at RDU. He was subjected to an intimate pat-down because of a false alarm from the body scanner.Read the rest here
After an agent groped around his genitals from in front and from behind, Ely challenged him to explain what sort of anomaly had turned up on his full-body scan.
"He said there was something suspicious hanging from between my legs," Ely, 63, wrote in his RDU online comment. "I told him that something suspicious was my [genitals], you dummy."
Monday, December 13, 2010
And Now...A Message from the Religion of Peace
It's a death cult. Nothing more.
And then there's this. Hey, it's not all fun and games here. The truth is just downright disgusting. WARNING! Graphic video.
Mexican Schools Teaching Students How Not to Get Shot
Stop, drop, and make like an opossum.
Mexican officials are teaching school children how to dive for cover if they come under fire from gangs fighting over the Pacific beach city of Acapulco as drug violence reaches deeper into everyday life.
At a drill in an Acapulco primary school this week, instructors used toy guns that simulated the sound of real gunfire. "Get down, let's go!" shouted an instructor as children threw themselves on the ground in classrooms and the playground and then crawled toward safety, burying their heads in their hands.
As drug violence spreads across Mexico -- killing more than 31,000 people over the past four years -- schools and kindergartens have been caught in the cross-fire in flashpoints like Acapulco and on the U.S. border in Monterrey and Tijuana.
h/t ENDO
Meanwhile...In America...
As violent drug cartels take over Mexico and expand their criminal enterprises north, the United States has signed a “trusted traveler” agreement that allows pre-screened Mexican airline passengers to bypass lengthy airport security checkpoints.
It's Still Better than a School Lunch
While cleaning up an ancient tomb, Chinese archaeologists have discovered a bowl of bone-soup believed to be around 2,400 years old.
Japan's Postwar Pacifism May Be Coming to and End
Hopefully it is coming to an end. I have been saying for some time now that it's time to let Germany and Japan do what they do best. Militarize. The reasons should be very obvious.
Japan is expected to adopt a more "dynamic" forward-leaning military posture, involving sophisticated new weaponry, mobile rapid-response units and closer security alliances with friendly countries, as part of a sweeping strategic defence review focused on real or potential threats from China and North Korea.
Although the shift towards a more assertive military stance has been under discussion in Tokyo for some time, an angry maritime confrontation with China in September and the recent North Korean attack on South Korean territory have lent urgency to discussions on how to deal with the challenges both countries pose to Japan.Read the rest here
Science Confirms: Liberals are Morons that are Easily Distracted and Influenced
We already knew this, but it's nice to have the science to back it up.
In a new study, UNL researchers measured both liberals' and conservatives' reaction to "gaze cues" -- a person's tendency to shift attention in a direction consistent with another person's eye movements, even if it's irrelevant to their current task -- and found big differences between the two groups.
Liberals responded strongly to the prompts, consistently moving their attention in the direction suggested to them by a face on a computer screen. Conservatives, on the other hand, did not.
Why? Researchers suggested that conservatives' value on personal autonomy might make them less likely to be influenced by others, and therefore less responsive to the visual prompts.
Palin Has Stylist Do Her Hair for Trip to Haiti
Well...not really. It was actually her daughter Bristol. But that didn't stop the deranged left-wing media from reporting it that way.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Italian Hospital Asks Doctors Not to Snort Coke at Work
Totally unreasonable request. Those doctors should form a union or something.
An Italian hospital director sent a memo to doctors and nurses asking them not to snort cocaine while on duty, the ANSA news agency reported Saturday.
The memo was sent after Di Maria received anonymous tip-offs about the practice at the hospital, the report said.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
America #4
I found these photos of New York Street Gangs from the 70s at Deadlicious. My apologies if you were ever in one of these gangs, but these guys...well...they make Vinny Barbarino look tough.
Ali Blah Blah says: "Hey, until you've been chased and cornered by a bunch like this, as they left-right..left-right-kick and snap their fingers in unison... Man, don't start with me..."
Custer's Last Flag For Sale
Estimates are that it will sell for between $2-$5 million
A flag that accompanied Lt. Col. George Armstrong Custer and his 7th Cavalry into their final battle 134 years ago will be put up for auction by the auction house Sotheby's on Friday.The flag was found beneath the body of a 7th Cavalry soldier killed in the 1876 Battle of Little Bighorn.
Friday, December 10, 2010
It's Friday...and that means?
It's time to boogie woogie. Here's one (yes I keep posting it) from one of The Big Feed's own bloggers. Cousin Kenny, where you been?
Speaking of Cousin Kenny, this was one of the last posts he made. Kid wasn't quite right.Growing up in the South, my town was part of the last school district in America still adhering to forced busing as part of a larger desegregation policy. Consequently, my elementary school was 40% black even though the black population of my town was less than 5%...As such, for many of us white kids, it was the first and only experience we had with black culture.
I recall one Spring day, in school, we were learning to spell the names of all 50 states...The teacher would go around the room, in a clockwise manner, selecting students to spell a particular state...Connie spelled Vermont...Kendra spelled Maryland..and I spelled Kansas...Then the teacher called on CL.
CL was a black boy who was missing the top half of the index finger on his right hand...He was poor and he wore his big brother's old pants that were held up, not by a belt, but by one of those extra large safety pins people used to use to fasten cloth diapers...he smelled like cat piss...but he didn't have a cat...and his head was nappy...or so said the other black boys...he liked to draw pictures of dogs in country settings even though he lived in the projects where dogs weren't allowed.
"CL"?...the teacher asked..."Can you spell Mississippi"?...CL didn't answer...but he was moving kinda funny...his legs were shaking and his fists were drawn into a ball..."CL"?...the teacher asked again..."Spell Mississippi".
CL then took two steps back away from his desk...and then several of the other black kids, boys and girls, got out of their seats and rushed to stand beside him...and inexplicably, without warning, they began clapping...and shuffling their feet...and jiving to and fro like chickens in a barnyard...then they commenced to chanting and gesturing..."M" (and they all raised their hands up and touched their heads with both hands as to form the letter "M")..."I" (and they all stopped, stood straight up, hands to their side, to form the letter "I")..."crooked letter...crooked letter" (and they all swirled their hips around as if to form the letters "S...S")..."I" (and they stopped again, placing their hands to their sides to form the letter "I"..."crooked letter...crooked letter" (and they all swirled their hips around again to form the letters "S...S")..."I" (and again they stopped, grinning ear to ear, and placed their hands to their sides to form the letter "I"..."humpback humpback" (and they all bent at the waist while arching their backs like a cripped old man) to form the letters "P..P"..."I" (stopping for the last time, they again placed their hands to their sides to form the letter "I".
And then, as suddenly as it had started...the strange dance stopped...and they all returned to their seats...saying nothing more...the teacher stood there...seemingly not surprised at all (undoubtedly, as a veteran teacher, she had seen this dance before)...but the rest of us sat in wide-eyed amazement...in complete shock...this was unlike anything we had seen before...This shucking and jiving was new to us all...Our collective judgment of the performance had not yet been rendered before the teacher called on the next student, Russell, a freckled faced red headed boy who lived on a nearby tobacco farm.
"Russell"?...the teacher asked..."How do you spell Florida"?..."I don't know"... he said, pointing across the room to one of the black boys that had helped spell Mississippi..."but don't ask THAT ni**er how to spell Weesiana"
Cousin Kenny
HuffPo Blogger and Columbia Professor Charged with Incest
Sick bastard!
A popular Columbia professor was charged Thursday with incest - accused of a sick sex relationship with a female relative, prosecutors said.
Political science Prof. David Epstein, 46, bedded the young woman over a three-year period ending last year, according to court papers.
He was arraigned before a Manhattan judge on a single felony incest count.
Epstein, who specializes in American politics and voting rights, has taught at Harvard and Stanford and often is quoted by news organizations. He also has blogged on The Huffington Post.
Just looking at the guy, hard to imagine he'd be bopping his relative ;)
Should the Wrestling Move Called the "Butt Drag" be Banned?
This is just one of those stories that I'll just have to link. Read it here And then get back to me.
Irony Alert!
As negotiators from nearly 200 countries met in Cancun to strategize ways to keep the planet from getting hotter, the temperature in the seaside Mexican city plunged to a 100-year record low of 54° F.Source: The Week
Kim Jong and the Giant Monkeys
Sometimes I find things on the internet that I simply must share. This is one of them. Found at Are We Lumberjacks?
Eco-Freaks Sign Petition to Ban Water
I seem to recall Penn and Teller pulling this over on crazed libs a while back. This time, the signing took place at the United Nations Conference on Climate Change in Cancun, Mexico.
Angry Democrats on Obama: "He F**ed Up" (Video)
This Is So Not Good
Yes those sanctions are working like a charm!
Iran is planning to place medium-range missiles on Venezuelan soil, based on western information sources[1], according to an article in the German daily, Die Welt, of November 25, 2010. According to the article, an agreement between the two countries was signed during the last visit o Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez to Tehran on October19, 2010. The previously undisclosed contract provides for the establishment of a jointly operated military base in Venezuela, and the joint development of ground-to-ground missiles.
The situation that is unfolding in Venezuela has some resemblance to the Cuba crisis of 1962. At that time, Cuba was acting on behalf of the USSR; now Venezuela is acting on behalf of Iran. At present, the geopolitical situation is very different: the world is no longer ruled by two superpowers; new nations, often with questionable leaders and the ambition of acquiring global status, are appearing on the international scene. Their danger to the free world will be greater if the process of nuclear proliferation is not stopped. Among the nations that aspire to become world powers, Iran has certainly the best capabilities of posing a challenge to the West.
Nowadays, however, we do not see the same firmness from the present administration. On the contrary, we see a lax attitude, both in language and in deeds, that results in extending hands when our adversaries have no intention of shaking hands with us. Iran is soon going to have a nuclear weapon, and there are no signs that UN sanctions will in any way deter the Ayatollah's regime from completing its nuclear program. We know that Iran already has missiles that can carry an atomic warhead over Israel and over the Arabian Peninsula. Now we learn that Iran is planning to build a missile base close to the US borders. How longer do we have to wait before the Obama administration begins to understand threats?
Compare. . .
. . .and contrast.