Friday, August 6, 2010

You've got change: 131,000 jobs lost

"Will someone hire my daddy away from this house? He got stinky butt!"

Devastating jobs numbers today. A mountain of "stimulus" dollars, your kids and grandkids money, poured down a sewer of self interest, Union ball lapping and cronyism. Change has really hit a brick wall this time folks. Dems are toast. The country will get even more angry now.

Oh did I mention there was a 97,000 downward revision to May and June?

Dear God what a complete and utter disaster of a president.

But as I've said before, this country, for some odd reason, needs to do this to itself every now and then. It needs to be face to face with an liberal, weak, nut job of a leader in order to heal itself. The US is crazy that way.

It's the repubs game now. Hope they don't eff it up.