Tuesday, July 22, 2008


This from someone who knows some soldiers that weren't part of the dog and pony show the media is forcing down our throats:

As you know Obama visited troops this weekend in Kuwait, and Afghanistan. Prior to this weekend I, along with a few friends had been sending information to a few soldiers on an email list referencing Obama and his anti-military entourage and exhorting them not to be “deceived” by his “jive”. From what I’m getting back they were not in the least.

From Camp Eggers I’m told that the mess hall photo op was hugely staged, and if you look at the video you can see it was sparsely attended. The soldier at the end of the video was “selected” and not random.

“Dude showed up in a suit”, one email reads describing clothes Obama wore. Generally visits - as with McCain are in some type of Kaki or other uniform. Obama and all his entourage looked like they were going to a dinner party, or perhaps just trying to project that “authority” thing he’s always talking about.

In any case the response is generally negative, although troops will generally show some type of appreciation I can tell that they can sense that Obama’s only doing this for his own ends, not for their benefit. Soldiers know when they are being part of photo op ed. Not that we mind it, but it depends on who it is. I can remember former president Jimmy Carter coming to visit us at Fort Stewart Georgia back around 1979, the reception was icy to say the least. We had absolutely no respect for the man - none at all.

Obama’s getting the same reviews. That’s what talking about defeat for the last two years will do for you. He’s not fooling anyone, especially where the rubber meets the road.

I’ve sent a few more “information” packets for troops on the Iraqi leg of the tour, so as to help soldiers understand even better what his true positions are.