Thursday, November 27, 2008

Cost of Making a Copy of a Legitimate Birth Certificate? $10 ---- Cost of Defending Suits Challenging the Citizenship of Barack Obama? $800,000

Barack Obama has spent more than $800,000 defending challenges to his citizenship. The cost of making a copy of a legitimate birth certificate is, give or take a few dollars, $10. Beyond the suspicions of a constitutionally insufficient birth that should immediately come to mind, does anyone else think that maybe this man shouldn't be running our finances?

Read this report which asserts the deadline for Obama to put up or shut up is this Monday.


Ted said...

Best explanation (following 2 you tube videos) I’ve seen for the total media blackout of what is the single greatest news event and domestic threat — let’s call it OBAMAGATE — since the outbreak of the American Civil War and for the sincere prayers of the American people that the United States Supreme Court — let’s call it OUR LAST HOPE — now to have the courage to save our great nation as we have come to know it: