Friday, June 18, 2010

Are We Eating our Mexicans?

"If this am Mexican's, thems sho taste yummy! Hey where my diet coke at?"

Ever wonder about that Mexican guy you used to see around town but disappeared? Well American hero Gary Faulkner has and you're probably eating him. You know Gary, he's the guy that was recently caught in Pakistan hunting Bin Laden solo. Friggin' greatest dude ever. Anyway, he's been on more adventures than that.

From the NY Post:

A true American hero. If I may be so bold, I nominate him The Big Feed Hero of the Week.
In the late 1980s, "he worked at a meatpacking plant" in Colorado, Terri Faulkner said. "They had illegal Mexicans working there who kept disappearing. I said, 'Gary, they come here, work for a while, and then they go home. They don't tell you, 'I'm going back to Mexico, you'll never see me again.' "

"He said, 'They're putting the Mexicans in the meat!'
"So one night on his day off, he dressed up like Rambo and jumped the fence to investigate. Of course, he got arrested for that because they found him with a big knife in his pocket. But these were guys he worked with that he loved."

Gary's brother, Dr. Scott Faulkner, told The Post, "When you hear some of his stories, you say, 'No way.' But he has had adventures that most people dream about."

God bless you Gary.

I love you.

Your pal.
