Friday, July 16, 2010

Keith Olbermann the Most Despised Person at MSNBC

This is just hilarious.  Off the chart hilarious.  From Newsbusters:

TUCKER CARLSON, DAILY CALLER: The opportunity to acquire arose and we felt it was a market niche which we could enter and dominate and it would be a public service so we did it. Plus it's amusing as hell. [...]

I've heard a lot from MSNBC, from friends of mine who work there who despise Keith. I've always had kind of a soft spot for Keith because I feel sorry for him because of his various phobias. He won't drive a car. He's obviously a sad guy, in elastic-band jeans...

A lot of people there, as you well know, since you've reported on it for years, really hate Keith Olbermann because he's cruel to people who work for him. A lot of those people have emailed me with joy, jubilation in their voices, in their email. Letters of congratulations, just thank you for doing this finally...

He's despised at MSNBC...I'm not saying every person at MSNBC despises him but I would say he's the most disliked person in the building by a factor of 10, and I would dare anybody who's worked there to look me right in the eye and deny that...I don't have any malice toward Olbermann. I feel sorry for him.
I don't know who Olbermann thinks he is crying about The Daily Caller buying a website domain with his name in it. The site has been using "The Big Feed" on their website for over a year. Should I sue?