Thursday, July 29, 2010

What The F Are We Doing Over There

Looks like we're in danger of losing two wars at the same time. Where the frick is Reagan when you need him.

Schwarzenegger could get the job done but we know that isn't going to happen cause he has a birth certificate. And General Schwarzkopf is retired. Where are the Schwarz's when you need them.

Anyway I stole the following comment from a message board.

No, We shouldn't 'just nuke the country'. What we SHOULD do is pull all of our troops out, wall them in, let them kill each other off and at the first sign they are attempting to export their filth to the rest of the world or attempt to subjugate peaceful countries in the middle east, THEN we should nuke them>

As to Thomas' saying there were no WMDs in Iraq, I do disagree. I was there, I saw them, I know that it would have taken very little to get them operational. We still search for them. Squadrons of aircraft were buried in the desert under protective tarps waiting for reactivation. Some have been found.

As a boy of ten, my father was stationed in Tripoli, Libya. He, my twelve year old blonde sister, mother and myself were accosted by a muslim shepard who was livid when my father laughed at him. He pulled his knife and attacked my dad. Seems he took offense at my dad finding it humorous that this ignorant savage wanted to trade his perfectly good camel calf for my twelve year old sister. After all, this was a perfectly healthy calf and my sister was just a 'girl child'. Dad broke the mans arm and left leg and kept the knife. We were flown out of the country that afternoon.

Go figure. BTW, I'm 61 now.

So All I got to say is "Right On" old man, your dad was a man.

Also, since coming off vacation I can't get this song out of my head.