Friday, May 6, 2011

Meet Man Baby - The Taxpayer Funded Freakshow

Have I mentioned we're doomed?
Like any other baby, Stanley sleeps in a crib, wears diapers, and loves nothing better than being comforted by his mother as she bottle feeds him.
Except Stanley Thornton is 30-years-old - and his 'mother' is really his room-mate.
Mr Thornton seeks comfort in being treated like a baby, a condition known as paraphilic infantilism.
The 'adult baby' lives out his fantasies at his California apartment, where he has built himself a giant crib, play pen and even a man-sized high chair.
He spends his days playing with Lego as he sucks on his pacifier, and being spoon or bottle-fed by his room-mate Sandra Diaz, who willingly acts as his mother.
In 2000, he started website for other 'adult babies', where members can find 'mothers or 'babies', and tips on where to buy diapers.
According to his website, he used to work as a security guard, but had an accident and now claims disability benefit for a heart condition.

He's old enough to vote. Do we need to speculate as to his party affiliation?