Friday, June 29, 2012


I'll eventually have my say about the court decision from yesterday, but until then I continue to read the opinions of others which helps me formulate my own.

Generally speaking I understand the law. But it is complex and convoluted as was yesterday's decision and it'll take me some time to digest all of it. What I do know is that this is a very bad law that was passed under less than scrupulous circumstances using lies and subterfuge at every chance. I also know that if we don't elect Romney, hold the House and take the Senate from the Democrats then our Republic will never return to the way it once was. Progress is only as good as the path of truth that leads to it.

Anyway, read this great piece by Sean Trende.

For you monkeys who haven't learned to read, here is a video of Kate Upton jumping up and down in various states of undress.