Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Foreign Bodies

I like foreign women just as much as the next guy and frankly I am a sucker for accents.  Particularly dark, sultry women like the twin sister of the young Turkish lady below with whom I went to culinary school with.

I would have bitten the testicles off a Bengal tiger and chased it down with a shot of liquified uranium to marry her, but life has a way of throwing the inside fastball when you are leaning over the plate for the breaking pitch away.  Either way, I'll live with the memories of our times together in south Florida just like it was yesterday.   I'll never forget the look on her face as we sat at the bulkhead of a flying, sputtering jalopy when they threw open the door at 14,000 feet above Lake Okeechobee and told us to jump.  Her face was a confounding mix of fear, what-have-you-gotten-me-into-remind-me-to-kill-you-later, and love.  Thankfully, the parachutes opened.  

With all of that said and although she was strikingly beautiful, I have to admit that no one on the planet does beautiful women like the United States of America.  Especially big-boned, bubble-headed, buxom, bombshell blonds.  God Bless America!