Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Hands off the dogs!

If it's hot dog news we got it and boy, is this some kinda news!  Unless of course you are NBC or CBS or CNN.  White people calling a black man "nigger" only counts when its the right kind of white people and right kind of black people if you know what I'm sayin' and I'm sure you do.

Via Ironic Surrealism and too many other website to list:

In case you cannot elucidate the happenings in the photograph let me add a little context.  Crazed, entitled, self-righteous, white, union Democrats destroyed a conservative, God-fearing, hard-working, black man's hot dog stand while hurling racial slurs at the unsuspecting gentleman during the anti-right-to-work demonstrations in Michigan.

The real story here is not the blatant racism against Mr. Clint Tarver (attention K-Mart shoppers and every news media outlet except Fox!) but the outright assault on a raft of unsuspecting and innocent hot dogs!  We here at The Big Feed will not let this stand!  And since we here at The Big Feed believe in such thing as conservatism, small government, reduced government spending, less taxes and hot dogs, we must rise up to counter this egregious example of hot dog oppression!

Some lovely woman with a bright mind and open heart has set up a donation page to raise money for a new hot dog stand for Mr. Tarver and as of this writing she has raised nearly $18,000 to which I say, hot dog!  Let's make it $25,000, what do you say?  Let's prove to this rabid leftist maniacs that this type of behaviour is completely unacceptable!

I've donated, have you?

Godspeed Mr. Tarver,  we will have you back up and running in no time!