Monday, December 3, 2012

Little White Lies

You mean to tell me that scientists on the government's payroll would contrive and fabricate misleading information in an effort to "save" the environment?  Say it ain't so, Moe!

"I am extremely disappointed," Feinstein said Thursday in a statement. "The National Park Service's review process has been flawed from the beginning with false and misleading science, which was also used in the Environmental Impact Statement. The secretary's decision effectively puts this historic California oyster farm out of business. As a result, the farm will be forced to cease operations and 30 Californians will lose their jobs."

Ken Salazar, Sectretary of the Interior, is responsible for this decision just as he was in stopping critical farming irrigation in California in order to protect the delta smelt population.  That decision too was apparently based on faulty scientific determinations.

Congress does not appear to be satisfied with the Obama Administration's handling of this divisive matter. In a letter (pdf) to Secretary Salazar, Democratic Congressman Jim Costa characterized the conduct of the Department of the Interior's personnel as "nothing less than outrageous." Republican Congressman Devon Nunes called for an immediate investigation into Secretary Salazar and other Department of the Interior personnel in response to the court's ruling. Even prior to the court's bad faith finding, in response to the court's decision to issue an injunction this fall (which we reported on here), Senator Feinstein stated that it is increasingly clear "that key biological opinions done by the Department of the Interior are not based on sound science."

You know, it's almost as if the people that Obama has surrounded himself with share his anti-American, anti-job, let's-get-everyone-on-the-government-tit paradigm.

With people like this guy in government it's just a matter of time before they begin sterilizing us via the water supply.  Oh you may laugh and scoff, but these are the ideas of the people in charge of this country.  Be wary of your government.  Killing babies is easy to them, adults may be a little more difficult to deal with unless they've all be signed up on the federal payroll in one way or another.