Friday, May 30, 2008


Here's a story we reported exactly a month ago about Obama receiving counseling phone calls from rabid racist Father Michael Pfleger.

In the aftermath of having a public spat with his mentor, Jeremiah Wright, Barak Obama it seems has turned to yet another hatemongering religious man for counsel.
CBS 2 Chief Correspondent Jay Levine reports Obama felt betrayed and Wright felt sand-bagged. Father Michael Pfleger of St. Sabina Church said he has been speaking to both men as the events of the past 24 hours unfolded.

He counseled Obama Tuesday morning, and while CBS 2 talked to him Tuesday evening, Rev. Wright called his cell phone.

"I don't think he had any intention to hurt Barack. He loves Barack," Pfleger said. "I think the pain and the moment took over."
Who is Father Michael Pfleger? Here he is...
And in case you missed it, here's what we reported yesterday...
Just a reminder...Obama is still a proud member of this church...

Said Obama about the NEW pastor Moss and his congregation of racists...
"Well, you know, the new pastor – the young pastor, Rev. Otis Moss, is a wonderful young pastor. And as I said, I still very much value the Trinity community,"
Yes Obama...He certainly sounds "wonderful".
Here's some fast facts about Pfleger:
In September 2002 Pfleger led a rally at the Dirksen Federal Building in Chicago condemning the Israeli army's recent destruction of Yasser Arafat's compound in the city of Ramallah.

In January 2003 Pfleger invited singer Harry Belafonte to be a guest speaker at a Sunday Mass at Saint Sabina. During his talk, Belafonte blamed America for the events of 9/11: "We [Americans] move about the world arrogantly, calling wars when we want, overthrowing governments when we want. There is a price to be paid for it -- look at 9/11. [That] wasn't just bin Laden. Bin Laden didn't come from the abstract. He came from somewhere, and if you look where ... you'll see America's hand of villainy." Belafonte also used the occasion to criticize President George W. Bush for allegedly threatening every "woman's right to abortion." (It should be noted that the Chicago Archdiocese has had a longstanding policy explicitly forbidding the use of Church property, under any circumstances, by pro-abortion advocates. Moreover, the Church's canon law requires that only Catholic clergy be permitted to preach during Catholic Mass. Pfleger's invitation to Belafonte violated both of these restrictions.)

Other pro-choice (vis a vis abortion) advocates whom Pfleger (who describes himself as "pro-life") has invited to be guest speakers at his church include Barack Obama, Louis Farrakhan, and Al Sharpton.

In February 2003 the Marxist professor Cornel West appeared, at Pfleger's invitation, as a guest speaker at Saint Sabina.

On another occasion, Pfleger invited Kareem Irfan, former Chairman of the Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago, to speak at Saint Sabina on the fourth anniversary of 9/11. A member of the Islamic Society of North America, Irfan has characterized Islamic beheadings of non-Muslims not as acts of evil, but rather as manifestations of "a primordial sense of retaliation and revenge."

Pfleger has had a longstanding friendly relationship (since the late 1980s) with Barack Obama and has played a significant role as a spiritual advisor for the latter. Between 1995 and 2001, Pfleger contributed a total of $1,500 to Obama's various political campaigns -- including a $200 donation in April 2001, approximately three months after Obama (who was then an Illinois State Senator) had announced $225,000 in grants to St. Sabina programs.

Pfleger is also a great admirer of Louis Farrakhan: "I've known the minister [Farrakhan] both as someone who I have great respect for as a prophetic voice, as a mentor but also as a friend and as a brother," said Pfleger. "We've become very close friends over the years. Our families have been close; he's shared dinner at my house as I have at his many, many times. He has preached from our pulpit here at this church on three different occasions. We've worked together on issues not only for this community but in the city and in the nation."
Just as with the whitey hating Jerimiah Wright, Obama has often cited Father Pfleger as a "spiritual advisor". In fact...
In 2004, Obama told the Chicago Sun Times that Pfleger was one of his three spiritual mentors.
Further, as late as April 2, 2008, Father Pfleger's endorsement of Obama was on Obama's official campaign website. Due to the quick thinking associates of Obama, however, the smoking gun was eliminated. But not quick enough to prevent a vigilant conservative blogger from capturing this screenshot before Obama removed the endorsement from his website:

(Click to enlarge)

A quick digression...Something I just found. Perhaps you recall Obama's attempt to explain his worship under racist Reverend Jerimiah Wright by stating that he was never in church when Wright said anything racist or anti-American? In that same 2004 Chicago Sun Times article I mentioned above, Obama stated the following:
"It wasn't an epiphany," he says of that public profession of faith. "It was much more of a gradual process for me. I know there are some people who fall out. Which is wonderful. God bless them.... I think it was just a moment to certify or publicly affirm a growing faith in me."

These days, he says, he attends the 11 a.m. Sunday service at Trinity in the Brainerd neighborhood every week -- or at least as many weeks as he is able. His pastor, Wright, has become a close confidant.
I reckon his crazy old uncle just waited for the Sundays Obama slept in to get his hate on? But anyway, back on point. In that same Chicago Sun Times article, Pfleger's relationship with Obama was explained:
Obama says he reads the Bible, though not as regularly as he'd like, now that he's on the campaign trail. But he does find time to pray.

"It's not formal, me getting on my knees," he says. "I think I have an ongoing conversation with God.... I'm constantly asking myself questions about what I'm doing, why I am doing it.

"The biggest challenge, I think, is always maintaining your moral compass."

Friends and advisers, such as the Rev. Michael Pfleger, pastor of St. Sabina Roman Catholic Church in the Auburn- Gresham community on the South Side, who has known Obama for the better part of 20 years, help him keep that compass set, he says.
Pfleger as his moral compass setter? His and Obama's words, not mine. I can just hear Obama's spin on this already. He'll just say he had his ears closed when Pfleger was advising him. Or his fingers crossed. And his supporters will be cool with that?

UPDATE: Something else I just found....It was just 3 weeks ago that Michelle Obama was touting Obama's "moral compass":
Michelle Obama, making an early campaign foray for her husband in the state with the nation’s first presidential primary, praised her husband Monday for having a “moral compass” and contended that quality counts more than the “experience” on which many of his Democratic rivals are basing their campaigns.
Well...Now we know what "moral compass she was referring to...

Wake up America! Obama hates half of himself!


Anonymous said...

Obama and his people scare me.

Anonymous said...

This is incredible! If he were white or republican he would have never even gotten his name on the ballot.

Anonymous said...

For the first time in my adult life I'm ashamed to be an American.