Thursday, May 29, 2008


This has to be one of the more disgusting political machinations you will see. But, I should say, not at all unusual anymore and by no means a surprise. After accidentally admitting that the troop surge in Iraq is working, the dragon lady Nany Pelosi scrambled to come up with a reason for success that was related to America, its people, or its soldiers in combat. Here's what she came up with:

Asked if she saw any evidence of the surge’s positive impact on her May 17 trip to Iraq she responded:

Well, the purpose of the surge was to provide a secure space, a time for the political change to occur to accomplish the reconciliation. That didn’t happen. Whatever the military success, and progress that may have been made, the surge didn’t accomplish its goal. And some of the success of the surge is that the goodwill of the Iranians-they decided in Basra when the fighting would end, they negotiated that cessation of hostilities-the Iranians.
The mental illness that has overtaken the left is nothing short of that which swept the nazis to power in Germany. There is no difference. Shame on them. And shame on you for just standing by and watching.


Terry Pearson said...

You are absolutely right. Nancy Pelosi does hate America.

I used to say that maybe the Democrats just has a different outlook of what is good for America. This characteristic of liberals is becoming the exception, rather than the rule.

Often, the Democrats get defensive about Patriotism, but in reality, they only have to argue for what they seldom possess.

The drilling controversy is just one example. Your example of Nancy Pelosi's response to success in Iraq is another example. They truly cannot fathom America doing something right. They have an obsession with evil, and choose not to acknowledge when the doers of good succeed.

spoonbender said...

Just came across your blog to make sure I was not alone in my disgust for this person. Nancy Pelosi represents everything that is wrong with our system. With all the talk about Sarah Palin being inexperienced and "a heartbeat away", have we forgotten that this snarling cuss of a person is two heartbeats away? Nancy Pelosi fights to be right simply to prove she is right - not for the good of America. She is the Goebbels to Obama's Hitler and must be stopped.