I have never dropped the "F" bomb on this blog before. But here I go. Fuck you Barack Obama. Go fuck yourself!
Obama, less than a month ago called on the nation to make sacrifices, so that we can all move forward. Now, I find that he's ready to drop $30,000+ on a ring for Chaka.
Michelle Obama is to receive this £20,000 thank you from her husband for her support during the election. The Harmony ring is made of rhodium - the world's most expensive metal --and encrusted with diamonds. It is being hastily made by Italian designer Giovanni Bosco in time for January's inauguration ceremony. Only about 25 tons of rhodium are mined each year, mostly in South Africa, and as a result its price is typically around £5,000 an ounce.And there is some question, but most likely the ring is made from materials gathered in the slave mines of South Africa.

I'm sure it will look lovely on Chaka's coconut breaking fingers. Just lovely.

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