Monday, April 20, 2009

Gay Gossiper Calls Ms. California "Dumb Bitch" for Saying She Does Not Think Gay Marriage is Right

In case you missed it, there is quite the outrage by the liberal media for Ms. California's honest response to a question about gay marriage.

The contestant last night, California’s Carrie Prejean, was too articulate in the minds of many and led to some flaring tempers (similar to Janeane Garofalo’s flare-up on Keith Olbermann’s show the other night).

The question posed to the contestant couldn’t be any more incendiary: gay marriage.

Asked judge Perez Hilton to Prejean, “Vermont recently became the 4th state to legalize same-sex marriage. Do you think every state should follow suit. Why or why not?”

Observers quickly learned that in Hilton’s mind there was only one correct answer. And Prejean picked the wrong one.

“Well I think its great that Americans are able to choose one or the other,” she said. “We live in a land where you can choose same-sex marriage or opposite marriage. And you know what, in my country, in my family, I think that I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman. No offense to anybody out there but that’s how I was raised and that’s how I think it should be between a man and a woman. Thank you very much.”

Prejean was greeted with a mixed reaction from the audience. Boos followed by applause. And the reactions didn’t stop at the pageant. It went into overtime.

Perez then blasted her on his video blog calling it the “worst answer in pageant history.” He also made comments that he has since apologized for. Now he’s asked her out for coffee to “talk.”

The directors of the Miss California pageant condemned her answer on Monday morning.

Does she regret the answer? Not at all.

“I was raised in a way that you can never compromise your beliefs and your opinions for anything,” she told AccessHollywood.
Here is a picture of one of God's great creations.

And here's what happens when people go messing around in God's garbage can.


Original Reagan Gangster said...

I am always left slack jawed at the sheer hypocrisy of the left in this country. That peter puffer Perez Hilton is of zero consequence to me, but the funny thing is the gay marriage issue has already been resolved in several states now. Every single ballot referendum across the country that gay marriage has been brought up on it has failed. Even in California it went down in flames (no pun intended). They won't be happy until they get gay marriage, even when most Americans say they don't want it. Liberals aren't happy unless they get everything they want, and even then they're still pissed about something.


RogerCfromSd said...

So, basically, a dumb bitch calls a proper young woman a dumb bitch.

Lucky for him, a proper gentleman wasn't within reach to bitch slap the turd.

Anonymous said...

This jerk ..why does he get so much facetime in the press. Ignorant..Like a gay RUSH LIMBAUGH.
The lady has the RIGHT to her own opinion. I may not agree with her but that is my own business.Perez Hilton is AGAINST freedom.Avoid feeding the troll and everything PH.