Monday, April 27, 2009

Smartest Administration Ever: Air Force One Photo Op Scares the Hell Out of New Yorkers

The hits jut keep coming from the Obama administration.

A jumbo jet being chased by a F-16 fighter jets buzzed Lower Manhattan this morning, panicking New Yorkers, many of whom were forced to evacuate their office buildings.

It was not a terrorist attack, however, but a photo opportunity for Air Force One, sources told the Post. President Obama was in Washington at the time, but the low-flying 747 circling the Statue of Liberty was one of the planes used as Air Force One, sources said.

Bloomberg said federal officials notified the NYPD and another city official, whom he declined to identify, of the flight plan.

"Had I known about it I would have called them right away and asked them not to," he said. "The good news is it was nothing more than an ill considered, badly conceived, insensitive photo op - with the taxpayers' money."

UPDATE: Obama is said to be "furious" over the incident.
A White House official tells ABC News that President Obama was "furious" to hear about the incident this morning when Air Force One and Air Force fighter jets appeared to be flying into the Manhattan skyline, scaring many New Yorkers into thinking they were about to face another terrorist attack.

Many buildings in lower Manhattan evacuated. Angry New York politicians lashed out at whoever was responsible for the incident -- which turned out to have been for a photo op.

An explanation was forthcoming in a mea culpa statement issued from the White House.

“Last week, I approved a mission over New York," Louis Caldera, director of the White House military office, said. "I take responsibility for that decision. While federal authorities took the proper steps to notify state and local authorities in New York and New Jersey, it’s clear that the mission created confusion and disruption. I apologize and take responsibility for any distress that flight caused.”

When President Obama was told about the incident, he was "furious," a White House official says.
How about you spare us the grandstanding fury Obama and control your damn people.

And how much taxpayer money was spent on this stupid stunt?


Ali Blah Blah said...

This man is a total and unmitigated disaster of a president. He considers padding his photo portfolio an important part of his agenda? I can see it now, in four years his most heart warming campaign commercial, video of his plane flying now over the statue of liberty, D.C. and the grand canyon. A voiceover,his, intones in his metrosexual manner how he's been jetting all over this country meeting with "folks" and "listening" to the "challenges" we face. Freak show! Why do you think it was secret? He wanted to use this footage for political gain. Scaring the crap out of us NYers who constantly crane our necks when a plane goes over our city. Eff you Obama. I know you think 9/11 has a figment of our imagination. But to us it's real.

Anonymous said...
