Friday, September 4, 2009

Deranged Democrat Congressman: "Get the Fu#k Out of Here or I'll Throw You Out the Window"

Watch Congressman Pete Stark blow up when reporter Jan Helfeld asks him why Stark believes, "the more we owe, the wealthier we are."


Dr. Dave said...

Saw this last night. I wrote him and told him to try that shit with me: I'll have you in tears.

Ali Blah Blah said...

This turd...this living breathing piece of dog excrement.. just laid out how unhinged the democrats have become. Simple questions asked by a citizen (I think), need result in just biting sarcasm? These people need to be reminded that they work FOR US! I will donate to have this guy thrown out of office. Someone show me how to do that. I'll be too busy looking for people breaking their legs on youtube today.

Anonymous said...

The Audacity.


Did he just get interviewed by Borat?