Sunday, September 6, 2009

Van Jones Resigns

Score another small victory for the conservative blogosphere. Obama's communist, racist, anti-American, truther green czar is history. And the mainstream liberal media has yet to report about him.

President Barack Obama's adviser Van Jones has resigned amid controversy over past inflammatory statements, the White House said early Sunday.
Sticking with our theme of the Obama administration and the movies, I'd say this little clip best summarizes Van Jones' ouster. Jones being the dude who wants his bike back.

The real tragedy is that this man, Van Jones, his past and his goals, have gone completely unnoticed by the American public at large. It appears the White House has mastered the art of avoiding controversy by taking advantage of the media's unwillingness to report the truth by quashing the truth before it ever comes to light. Hey Dan Rather. Isn't that dangerous or something?

Van says he was smeared. That it's all lies.
"On the eve of historic fights for health care and clean energy, opponents of reform have mounted a vicious smear campaign against me," Jones, special adviser for green jobs at the White House Council on Environmental Quality, said in a statement announcing his resignation just after midnight Saturday. "They are using lies and distortions to distract and divide."

He continued: "I have been inundated with calls -- from across the political spectrum -- urging me to 'stay and fight.' But I came here to fight for others, not for myself. I cannot in good conscience ask my colleagues to expend precious time and energy defending or explaining my past. We need all hands on deck, fighting for the future."
Yet he resigned. Listen my American hating brother. It ain't lies when it comes straight from your own fat commie mouth.


Anonymous said...

I've been trying for years to get the Bevo scene out of mind. And you go and run it again, damn.

james williams said...

I think they were stupid for letting this guy go.

Anonymous said...

Stupid, smart. Does it matter anymore? If a tree falls in the woods and no one hears it, does it make a sound? Our media is so corrupt nothing mattes anymore. No one believes them.

Lisa said...

I can't believe he resigned. No body is perfect but you have to have a real tough skin to be in politics.


You shouldn't believe he resigned. He didn't. He was told to leave. Van was thrown under the bus. Get it? The White House has seriously miscalculated the American public's malaise. We are sleeping no more. Now what they gonna do?