Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Best Buy - They Don't Like Christmas...I Don't like Them

Here's a curious story about Best Buy. Who's up for a Boycott?

Three years ago, electronics retail giant Best Buy was in the middle of the "War on Christmas" controversy. A company spokeswoman - Dawn Bryant - announced they would not use the word "Christmas" in their advertising: "We are going to continue to use the term holiday because there are several holidays throughout that time period, and we certainly need to be respectful of all of them." Hmm... so mentioning "Christmas" in its advertising is somehow disrespectful of other holidays? They have since started using the word Christmas in some ads - but it's very limited. The American Family Association lists Best Buy as a company that "marginalizes Christmas" . But this weekend, we learned a bit more about Best Buy's bizarre corporate logic toward Christmas and other holidays. Here is the advertising circular that was in Sunday newspapers all across the nation - including the Seattle Times.