Monday, November 30, 2009

Twitterful - New York Gangs Talking Trash Using Twitter

This is worse then when New York gangs were settling their differences with break dancing.

The city's street gangs are becoming tweet gangs.Manhattan's young thugs have turned to Twitter, and the cops who track them are fast behind, the Daily News has learned.
It's old-school crime meets new technology: attacks being plotted - and thwarted - 140 characters at a time. One investigator recently warned parents and teens that the bastion of OMG and LOL has been infiltrated by violent crews waging turf wars. A basic search of the social-networking site for OYG or Jeff Mob, the gang based in the Jefferson Houses in East Harlem, yields shout-outs and throwdowns.
"I knoe bitches from oyg that would dead mob yah s--t in harlem," one girl wrote in a series of tweets aimed at drawing out a rival for a fight.