Sunday, November 15, 2009

Gitmo Prisoner Transfer Part of Obama's Job Stimulus Plan

Sorry folks.  This is not a joke.  The White House is touting this moronic decision as a job creation.  From The New Editor:

In an article on the possibility of moving prisoners at Guantanamo Bay to Illinois, the Chicago Sun-Times' Lynn Sweet reports: (emphasis added)

If the prison is acquired by the federal government, Thomson [Correctional Center] would be run as a supermax facility housing federal prisoners. A portion of it would be leased to the Defense Department for a "limited number" of Guantanamo detainees -- about 100, according to [Illinois Sen. Dick] Durbin. About 215 prisoners are now at Guantanamo.

According to an economic impact analysis by the Obama administration, the federal purchase and operation of Thomson could generate $1 billion for the local economy over four years and create between 2,340 and 3,250 jobs.