Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I swear, all Democrats are pathological liars.

Earlier this week we reported on Joe Biden lying about a drunk driver killing his wife. Now, Joe Biden is telling more tall tales. From Newsbusters:

Back on September 10 in a visit to Chicago's Lincoln Park neighborhood, Democratic VP candidate Joe Biden seemed to hint that al Qaeda forced down a helicopter he was traveling in when he was visiting Afghanistan in February of 2008. He made the claim again on September 22 in a campaign stop at the National Guard Association. The truth, however, is not exactly what Biden may be trying to allege. Thus far, only ABC's Jake Tapper is exposing the ruse for what it is, a misleading tale pumped up to make his Afghanistan visit seem more menacing than it really was.

The Chicago Sun-Times reports that on September 10 Biden told a Chicago audience a harrowing tale about his helicopter ride.
"The superhighway of terror between Pakistan and Afghanistan where my helicopter was forced down...John McCain wants to know where Bin Ladin and the gates of Hell are? I can tell him where. That's where Al Quaida is. That's where Bin Ladin is. It's not in the country of Iraq."
Wow. Forced down was it? Biden says this as if it were some attack that forced his helicopter down, doesn't he? However, immediately after that September 10 campaign stop, it came out pretty quickly that Biden's helicopter was not forced down by enemy weapons fire. No, it was a snow storm in the mountains that "forced" the aircraft down and then only because the pilot thought the better decision would be to err on the side of safety. He had generals and Senators in his craft, after all. You can imagine how nervous the pilot was in that case.

Now, let's face the truth here. Biden would not be using the words "forced down" without explaining that it was weather that forced him down unless he meant to convey that he was forced down in some extraordinary circumstances, as if he'd been fired upon. If he didn't mean to mislead the audience into imagining that weapons fire "forced" his craft down he would say that "when the weather forced down my helicopter." If he didn't mean to give his helicopter ride more gravity, the "forced down" part was meaningless to the greater point.


Anonymous said...

Geez, is that all you got?

Anonymous said...

One of many Chum, I mean Chump! LOL

Anonymous said...

The Twelve Lies Of Sarah Palin
23 Sep 2008 10:49 am

Just for the record, I asked an intern to go back and double fact-check the twelve documented lies that Sarah Palin has told on the public record. These are not hyperbolic claims or rhetorical excess. They are assertions of fact that are demonstrably untrue and remain uncorrected. Every single one of the lies I documented holds up after several news cycles have had a chance to vet them even further.

I know the MSM demands that we move on from the fact that someone who could be president next January has a list of public lies so extensive and indisputable that the McCain campaign has still not been able to rebut or even address any one of them, while fencing her off from the press and refusing to hold a press conference to clear the air on so many murky questions of fact that get to the core of whether this person is fit to be vice-president or president.

So for the record, let it be known that the candidate for vice-president for the GOP is a compulsive, repetitive, demonstrable liar. If you follow the links, here is the proof. I repeat: proof:

- She has lied about the Bridge To Nowhere. She ran for office favoring it, wore a sweatshirt defending it, and only gave it up when the federal congress, Senator McCain in particular, went ballistic. She kept the money anyway and favors funding Don Young's Way, at twice the cost of the original bridge.

- She has lied about her firing of the town librarian and police chief of Wasilla, Alaska.

- She has lied about pressure on Alaska's public safety commissioner to fire her ex-brother-in-law.

- She has lied about her previous statements on climate change.

- She has lied about Alaska's contribution to America's oil and gas production.

- She has lied about when she asked her daughters for their permission for her to run for vice-president.

- She has lied about the actual progress in constructing a natural gas pipeline from Alaska.

- She has lied about Obama's position on habeas corpus.

- She has lied about her alleged tolerance of homosexuality.

- She has lied about the use or non-use of a TelePrompter at the St Paul convention.

- She has lied about her alleged pay-cut as mayor of Wasilla.

- She has lied about what Alaska's state scientists concluded about the health of the polar bear population in Alaska.

You cannot trust a word she says. On anything.

Anonymous said...

I find none of those as aggregious as Obama's lies. C'mon man, give me some Rev. Wright, Rezko, terrorist friends, hacking the opponent's computer kind of stuff.

Have you nothing but misquotes on stats? Speaking of misquotes, which of the 57 states do you think are a toss-up?

Anonymous said...

Hey hey now, I think he may have been counting some of Hawaii's Islands, but don't hold that against the guy.
He may have mistaken the number of States in America but at least he is aware of the fact that the economy is NOT STRONG! Unlike gramps! Don't get me wrong, I like McCain, if fact I am happy that he won, instead of some of those other right winged runts!
But this man needs to take some Omega-3's his mind is slowly going, he even mistaken his running mates son as to being in the National Guard instead of the Army! You would think some one who had spent that much time in the air force would know the difference.

Anonymous said...

Oh you like stuttering??? You like talking w/o the teleprompter? You like to smoke a few good cigarettes behind your false persona? Don't even go there.

Hell, America might repect the dude if he smoked during the debates. We all know he's gonna "Change" his britches a couple times when it comes to talking about real issues.

Anonymous said...

Biden, Ted Kennedy, what's the dif?

Anonymous said...

OOO Ted Kennedy my hero! I guess Biden won't be that bad after all!