Friday, April 10, 2009

Code Pink Heckles Obama Adviser

You go girl(s)...Obamatopia is reaping the "fruits" of its labors.

Code Pink activists went after Obama economic adviser Larry Summers this afternoon, bounding to the conference room stage where Summers was speaking and unfurling a banner behind his back that read “We Want Our $$$ Back.”

But the most fascinating thing about the episode — aside from the fact that it took event organizers about an eon to get the protesters off the stage — was that these activists think that President Obama is somehow a victim of Larry Summers.

“Resign Larry,” one protester said as she was being escorted through the doors of the conference room. “The people are asking you to give Obama a fair shot and you should resign.”

Give Obama a fair shot? Who do they think appointed Summers to his post?
Here's the video:

Precious...Listen to the Obamatons try and shout down the Code Pink freaks. Where was their indignation when Code Pink was doing this crap to the Bush administration?