Saturday, April 11, 2009

Welcome Back Carter!

We have the BO with indeciveness, the inabilty to confront enemies and a pizza party to top it off on Friday night. Here comes your 18% inflation and general American Malaise for the next four years. America is a weak target and will be exploited as such. 444 days that Carter let Tehran hold hostages will seem like a week in Cancun, compared to the limp wristed ass beat down we're about to get.

Sorry to the courageous Captain whose country left him behind. Even the French are storming vessels and coming up golden. Kudos to France, who would have ever thought this day would come. Maybe we should let them rescue our Captain.

No offense to our Armed Forces, we know whose calling the shots, or in this case, not calling the shots.

And where the frick were our commandoes when the Captain made a break for freedom by jumping overboard, I can't beieve we didn't have a missle locked and loaded and ready to blow a lifeboat out of the water. Or God help us, if we were waiting for approval to engage from Washington.



What's with the super tiny pictures? Read the instructions, or, just click medium picture instead of small. And you best not be hotlinking to pics. You best not.

Anonymous said...

4 months and we all ready have a lame duck prez,he's afraid of pirates


I'm afraid of clowns. Really afraid of clowns. That said, I still go to the circus.

Anonymous said...

This story is full of misleading half-truths. I don't care what anyone says, a leader may be able to delegate authority, but can NEVER delegate responsiblity. This is the President's responsibility and no two-bit journalist writing a feel-good piece will convince me otherwise.

When I need a good "listener" I'll find a priest. Hopefully the President isn't fool enough to put Biden and Clinton in charge of the heavy decisions?

Since when did the "Somali pirates [try] to hijack the US-flagged Maersk Alabama"? According to our esteemed MSNBC, they did hijack it, and it was only through the action of the Captain and Crew did they gain control back from the pirates.

Our Attorney General says we will "'do what we have to do' to protect U.S. shipping interests'', then by God DO IT!

We don't need more political rehtoric, we need someone who's not afraid to take action. Hell I'd go if I thought my commander in chief would let me come out of retirement and go back on active duty to actually do something. God help that poor Captain, because his country has left him out to fend for himself.

If you can read this, thank a teacher; if you can read this in English, thank a Vet!


I heard that. I heard all that.

Anonymous said...

Why you busting my Chops CT? And how the hell are you posting from Somalia?

I'd like you to complete the mission over there and be back for the Easter Egg hunt at 11:00 AM EST tomorrow.

Word on the street is there's a yellow colored egg with $5 in it.


Who are you Anon? How the hell do I know whose chops I'm busting? Eggs are fags. And don't get me started on what I think about that over-sized rabbit that hides them.

Anonymous said...

let's see, how long does it take to take a poll or two and get together a couple of focus groups to tell him how he should act in this situation.

At least a couple of days.

And then if it might hurt his image he will vote "Present" and ask France to make the decision for him. And maybe if he is lucky while we are waiting on the results, the boat will sink and drown all aboard. Problem solved.


I say we kick those Johnny Depp wannabe asshats' behinds.

Anonymous said...

think something should have been done within hours of the event occurring...It makes America look weak and helpless over a small group of pirates. What will we do with a few "hard terrorists"? I am sick of hearing about this story....we shoud have done something already....I do not know what we are waiting matter who is responsible....It is shameful to hear this on the news or read about it....the World is waiting....

I voted and trust this new Administration...but this is too much....would it be horrible if they tried to rescue him and he died? I go for the attempt to rescue....we do not negotiate and the captain knew this could happen at any time....sure it was in his contract...

Anonymous said...

You got ever type ship and weapon surrounding a raft??? Come the F on.

I say use those high pitch sounds that make everyone deaf temporarily and all they can do is hold their heads. Stun grenades, etc.

Put in the Navy seals let em do some sign language under the boat and then slit everyones throat.

Or just storm the POS and all the Pirate rescue boats and all invloved, Yes there will be bloodhsed but we lose more in Iraq and Afg. on a given day.

Force dammit, they're not called the Armed Forces for nothing.


I say it's time for the dolphins to put up or shut up.

Anonymous said...

The French got 4 out of 5 back alive, and that was a private joy boat.

I think we should attempt a rescue - then blow them out of the water. Hilary will want to bring them to justice, you know like the other crimminals on our streets.

OB may want to make sure it's not an illegal uncle that is just sailing in the wrong place at the wrong time on our tax dollars.

Anonymous said...

Somalia shares a border with Kenya, where everyone acknowledges that is where Odumbo's father comes from, where Odumbo has family to this day.

You Multi - cultural leftist twits always maintain that International borders in Africa were drawn up by racist white Europeans during the colonial era, so why can't we think that Odumbo has blood relatives working as Somali pirates?

Coming soon to a neighborhood close to you as illegal aliens waiting for Odumbo to give them amnesty.

Anonymous said...

and if we lose the god captain, then it is God's will, as long as every single pirate dies on the spot.

It has to be considered an acceptable outcome, if the only other alternative is ransom. These pirates have to be made to understand they cannot do this and live; there is no negotiatiing, release the hostage and go to prison...or die.

how about we kick some ass ,thats all they understand! take out there ports period

Bottom line: either do something or step down. At least Bush didn't wait to make a decision; I felt safe when he was in control I don't feel safe with Obama. Make a decision and be a man; be patriotic and stand up for our military.

Listening doesn't solve problems doing something solves problems; France showing up the US on a hostage situation makes us look like children on the playground; play nice you don't want to hurt anyones feelings or step on anyones toes.

Mr. President start reacting instead of acting the part of President. I don't think you could have handled the 9/11 tragedy.