Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Obama on Iran's Nukes: Stupidity of Mega-Proportions

This is your President. He carries an invisible backpack wherever he goes.

This man is downright dangerously ignorant.


Ali Blah Blah said...

Wow. If anyone has ever needed solid proof this man is an empty suit, this video nails it. My God... this is the leader of the free world. Very scary video. Sarkozy's body language shows an amazing level of disdain for our boy president too.

Anonymous said...

The body language was palapable, I thought Sar was going to get up and walk out at any moment.

GameCherry said...

I don't get your point. What was scary about "Iran shouldn't have nuclear weapons"?
I think the scariest thing of all is that out of all the dangerous countries in the world, we chose the one without any nuclear weapons to go to war with - while North Korea inches it's way closer to fulfilling the impending apocalypse.