Friday, June 19, 2009

The Obama Stutter

They make kids go to school on the short bus for talking like this.


Ali Blah Blah said...

Ha ha! Quality entertainment.

There was a kid in my neighborhood growing up who used to talk like that too. It got worse when you took his helmet off.

Unfortunately for Lil' Timmy, he never was given a teleprompter. So instead of being president of the United States, he hangs around 7-11 pretending he works there. He gets a free Big-Un burger every now and then for his entertainment value. No takeover of GM for Lil' Timmy.


Every town has a Lil' Timmy. And every kid knows, run like hell after you throw a rock at him. Retards are super strong.

Ali Blah Blah said...

Damn right! I saw one pick up a dishwasher and run after a kid on a bike after he got drive by "Wet Willy'ed".

He made sounds I don't want to hear ever again.

Like the sound of Michelle Obama putting on skinny jeans.