Saturday, June 13, 2009

Yes You Did!: Obama to Bulldoze Your Town

Apparently change ain't all that complicated. If if you can't solve the problem, just kill the problem so it moves somewhere else.

The government looking at expanding a pioneering scheme in Flint, one of the poorest US cities, which involves razing entire districts and returning the land to nature.

Local politicians believe the city must contract by as much as 40 per cent, concentrating the dwindling population and local services into a more viable area.

The radical experiment is the brainchild of Dan Kildee, treasurer of Genesee County, which includes Flint.

Having outlined his strategy to Barack Obama during the election campaign, Mr Kildee has now been approached by the US government and a group of charities who want him to apply what he has learnt to the rest of the country.

Mr Kildee said he will concentrate on 50 cities, identified in a recent study by the Brookings Institution, an influential Washington think-tank, as potentially needing to shrink substantially to cope with their declining fortunes.


Anonymous said...

You don't need to shrink the city, you need to shrink the government.

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with bulldozing the cities. Lets start with Washington and see how it works. I bet that after DC goes up in smoke we wont need to knock down any other cities.