Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Keep Your K-6 Children Home Sept. 8th

Big Brother Alert!!!!!!! If This doesn't open your eyes, nothing will..

Props to D.K. Jamaal for callling like it is.

I think it’s wonderful that President Obama is making education a priority. And his bookish, pro-intellect personality is good for children to emulate (to a point). Certainly, his academic achievements are an paradigm for kids to aspire to.

But like President Bush's, Obama’s first educational foray is an unwelcome one.

Bush, who also made education a priority, joined with Ted Kennedy to produce a truly horrendous piece of legislation in No Child Left Behind. NCLB is a well-intentioned disaster at best.

Obama’s initial educational push will be what he thinks he does best a speech, likely read from a Teleprompter.

Obama is planning to address all of the nation’s students on Tuesday, September 8, 2009, according to the U.S. Department of Education.

I’m sorry, but the notion of a national address to schoolchildren creeps me out.

Maybe I’m paranoid, but it sparks within me thoughts of Big Brother’s looming head on a massive television screen, indoctrinating the hapless drones spread out before him.

The companion “Menu of Classroom Activities” released to pre-kindergarten through sixth graders by the Education Department in advance of what they are billing as “President Obama’s Address to Students Across America” does nothing to assuage my paranoia.

Before the speech, students are instructed to read books about Barack Obama. Teachers are asked to ask students “Why do you think he wants to speak to you?” referring to the President.

During the speech, students should think about the following “What is the President asking me to do?” and “What specific job is he asking me to do?” among other things.

After the speech, the questions that students should ponder include “Are we able to do what President Obama asks up to do?”

I’m sorry, but I don’t want the President of the United States asking or telling the kids of the United States to do anything. This isn’t 1950s China.

And what -- exactly and precisely and specifically what -- is the President going to be talking about during this address? The war? Healthcare reform? Voting issues?

Nobody knows, which is also scary.

The White House needs to be completely transparent beforehand about what the President intends to tell the kids of America.

Because if it’s anything other than “obey your parents and your teachers,” the President may well be out of line.

Parents should be aware and wary of mass indoctrination coming from any President and into the hearts and minds of impressionable little ones.

Que The Big Feed Archives - Leave Dem Chilrens Alone!!!!


Anonymous said...

You should get like an Emmy or Oscar or something for best blog post.

Anonymous said...

The adults have stopped listening to this fool so now he will start on the kids. If I had young children I would keep them home from school that day.

Anonymous said...

Mr. President, If you wish to address my children, ask my permission and submit your speech.

My children are minors and are my responsibility...not yours.

I decide what they are to learn and if I find some subjects questionable, my recourse is the school board.

Mr President ( I hate to refer to you as such because you degrade the office to such a high degree ) if you want to indoctrinate your own children and those of your low-life tsars...csars...kaisers...ceasars, it's of no consequence to my family, but leave mine alone.

We got along well before you and I'm sure we'll be okay as long as you are stopped in your self indulgent power grab.

Anonymous said...

Make sure the chillens wear their little brown shirts.

Ali Blah Blah said...

"Mr. President, If you wish to address my children, ask my permission and submit your speech."

I love this. Thanks!

Going to the kids now. Figures. These liberals, like terrorists, think long term