Thursday, November 12, 2009

Bill Clinton Appalled by Treatment of Women

Pasty white thighs, Big Mac eating, selling nuclear secrets to China, ex-President say what?

Clinton just met with Democratic senators in Washington Tuesday, urging them to pass health-care reform this year.

Clinton looked out at the diverse crowd and said it was different than a crowd of white men that might be seen on the TV show "Mad Men."

"You ever watch that TV series 'Mad Men?' " Clinton asked. "If I keep watching this program, will I ever find a happy person? Great television. Good drama. But a lot of really painful reminders in that show about how black people were supposed to run the elevators... were supposed to ask permission before they get on an elevator. The way women were treated is appalling, and only occasionally funny to me."
I've never seen this show, "Mad Men". But they must be doing things much worse than abusing their power and shoving cigars up chubby interns' twats to get Bill so riled up.